ESPINHO Male Tantric Massages
Good morning, Men's Massage Parlor.
All types of Massages in Store: therapeutic, sports, tantric, Prostatic and Yoni..
Massages with very relaxing moment, unique in the Zone.
Location near Espinho, 10 minutes..
Only s/appointment 1h in advance.
Male hair removals, all zones, including intimate zone..
Convivialities, among others..
Rates vary depending on the treatment, from 25 to 70 massage, with Tantric a Men's to 70 the specialty of the house.
Call me for more information, 914623014.
They can also head to the Kremlin café-Bar in the Topaz building, where the Novo banco has, in Santa maria de Lamas for information.
The best female masseuses in Portugal! Relaxing and sensual massages, tantric, melee, shower, lingam and yoni. Erotic massage with happy ending.